Thinking about soccer in the Adelaide Hills?

The Adelaide Hills Junior Football Association (or AHJFA) is the perfect place to kick off your life-long adventure in the sport. Need to know why? We've come up with SEVEN REASONS why you should consider playing within our association. It's more than a game!

#1 – Live here? Play here

We live in a wonderful part of the world. The Adelaide Hills is such a fantastic place to live that you might as well play here too.

#2 – Not an arm and a leg

One of the worst things about football (AKA soccer) is the assumption that it is expensive. We can’t speak for everywhere else, but the AHJFA is concious of the family budget. How does $150 to $350 per season sound?

#3 – Volunteers at the heart

Volunteers are the heart of sporting organisations around the world. The AHJFA is a great example of this. Our clubs are run by a bunch of volunteers, typically parents of players, whilst the association is run by representatives from each club.

#4 – Support local!

Games are exciting and all, but what happens afterwards? You go and grab a sausage at the club canteen of course. Or you might go to the town bakery for a bite there. Or make a stop at the local winery if you want to pick up a bottle of your favourite drop.

#5 – Football is family

Friendships are made on the pitch. They could be forged on the sidelines between two supporting families. They can even be made between opposing teams as well.

#6 – Saturday is for sport!

One of the key differences between the AHJFA and alternate football bodies is that we play on Saturdays. There's a reason for that.

#7 – Trials? What are they?

Imagine being interested in a sport, but then find out that you have to attend and pass trials to get in. Ergh! That's not our approach.

Where to from here?

Your best bet is to contact your club of interest direct. Click the club logo below. They should be quick to respond, if not drop us an email for support. Not sure where each club is? Try the club map on the AHJFA web site. Click here for that.